Storia culturale dei rapporti tra mondo Romano e mondo Germanico. -  LUISELLI, B.,


?This massive work encompasses a comprehensive geographical and temporal survey of Greek and Roman relations with the ?German world? from early Greek times through to the Carolingian period. It forms a study based primarily on documentary sources, comprising histories, laws, charters, inscriptions, coins, place-names, and loan-words, and focusing on cultural exchanges and interactions in the field of literature, language, religion, theology, and ideology. Luiselli admits to the existence of a variety of published works on these themes, but notes how so many are regionalised to the degree that overlapping analyses are difficult to achieve. Furthermore, existing studies are not always balanced in terms of observing cultural impacts and reactions from both the Greek/Roman and the Germanic side (8-9). The very size of this book highlights the depth of coverage that L. seeks to offer. Storia Culturale is divided into three mains sections. Part 1, L?Età più Antica (?), examines Greek contacts with and concepts of t...
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1992 Uitgever: Herder