Septimus. Latijns leesboek voor beginnelingen. Naar de Engelse editie bewerkt door A. Samsom. Geïllustreerd door C.J. McCall. -  CHAMBERS, R.L. and K.D. ROBINSON,


'The book follows a single running storyline about a British schoolboy, Septimus, who steps through a magic door and gets transported back in time to the reign of the cruel and unpredictable Emperor Nero. The prologue is written in English, but as soon as the boy enters the portal everything is narrated in Latin and the boy somehow speaks naturally with perfect Latin grammar. Septimus is an impatient and rather irreverent young boy, and he?s never above telling another character, festin?! (?hurry up!?). The story moves along quickly and is actually very well written, thanks to Chambers? and Robinson?s vivid descriptions and playful dialogue. All of this made me want to read Septimus from cover to cover like a regular novel, which is much more than can be said for a lot of Latin textbooks, even today. (...) Mr McCall?s illustrations? are an innovation in this type of book, but the Authors believe that the artist has admirably performed his task; and his spirited interpretations will win him the gratitude o...
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Uitgever: Callenbach