Sacred Therapies - David Shannahoff-Khalsa
The Kundalini Yoga Meditation Handbook for Mental Health

This comprehensive, user-friendly handbook offers readers an innovative clinical approach using 100 different Kundalini yoga techniques in select disorder-specific protocols for treating all of the major and common psychiatric disorders. Readers will gain insight into their own symptoms by reading the official American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual definitions along with the associated disorders and features, and learn the step-by-step strategies essential for self-healing and relief. Seventy black-and-white illustrations are included. Topics covered: Generalized Anxiety Disorder * Obsessive Compulsive Disorder * Body Dysmorphic Disorder * Trichotillomania * Phobias * Panic Disorders * Acute Stress Disorder * PTSD * The Abused and Battered Psyche * Depression * Grief * The Bipolar Disorders * The Addictive, Impulse Control, and Eating Disorders * Insomnia and other Sleep Disorders * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome * ADHD and Co-morbid Disorders (Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct...