Rudens. Editio minor. With an appendix on scansion. For the use of schools by E.A. Sonnenschein. -  Plautus


'The present edition of the 'Rudens' is in the main an abridgement of my larger edition, published in 1891; my object has been to render one of the most amusing and successful of the plays of Plautus intelligible to schoolboys and to passmen at the Universities, and I have accordingly omitted all that is superfluous for these two classes of readers. Critical matter thus disappears, and the notes are reduced in compass and scope. At the same time I have taken advantage of the opportunity of a new edition to introduce into my text and notes such improvements as have been established on a secure basis by the work of Plautine scholars since the appearance of my large edition, so far as could be done without entering into a discussion of critical questions.' (E.A. SONNENSCHEIN in the Preface, p. V). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
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1926 Uitgever: Clarendon Press