Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe A - Z - Roberts James, Rojo Atilio
Marvel is een van de grootste en bekendste uitgevers van comics ter wereld. Wie aan Marvel denkt, denkt geljk gelijk aan Spider-man, Iron-man, The Avengers, Thor en X-Men. Naast comics zijn zij ook bekend van blockbusterfilms en tv-series. Met meer dan 8000 personages is er voor iedereen wel wat te vinden.
The most exciting and comprehensive Marvel handbook is fi nally here! Beginning a twelve-volume guide to the Marvel Universe with more than 100 huge entries in each tome! This issue - from 1602 to Blackwulf! Spotlighting people (Angel, Annihilus, Ant-Man, Apocalypse, Arachne, Ares, Aurora, Banshee, Baron Zemo, Beast, Beta Ray Bill, Bishop, Black Bolt, Black Knight, Black Panther, Black Widow), places (Atlantis), teams (AIM, Acolytes, Agents of Atlas, Alpha Flight, Avengers), species (Badoon), alternate realities (2020, 2099, the Age of Apocalypse) and more!
The most exciting and comprehensive Marvel handbook is fi nally here! Beginning a twelve-volume guide to the Marvel Universe with more than 100 huge entries in each tome! This issue - from 1602 to Blackwulf! Spotlighting people (Angel, Annihilus, Ant-Man, Apocalypse, Arachne, Ares, Aurora, Banshee, Baron Zemo, Beast, Beta Ray Bill, Bishop, Black Bolt, Black Knight, Black Panther, Black Widow), places (Atlantis), teams (AIM, Acolytes, Agents of Atlas, Alpha Flight, Avengers), species (Badoon), alternate realities (2020, 2099, the Age of Apocalypse) and more!