Plato. An Introduction. Translated from the German by H. Meyerhoff. - FRIEDLÄNDER, P.,


'Even outside the chapters on continental philosophers, the book is rich in allusions and parallels which connect Platonic studies with literary, historical, and philosophical studies in general. Rubens and Dürer, Goethe and Schiller, Dante and St. Thomas Aquinas, Bultmann and Dean Inge, Dirac and Reichenbach - all are called in to help in the understanding of what Friedländer rightly sees as one of the central achievements of Western thought. (...) Teachers of Greek philosophy will be glad to have something in English which they can so confidently recommend as a supplement to the admirable but overworked Taylor and Grube. But it is more than a textbook, and on its principal theme it has been and long will remain a standard work. Plato recognized 'the impossibility and necessity of complete communication'; and what looks at first sight a rather diffuse book derives an essential unity from its constant and fruitful preoccupation with Plato's struggle to resolve this central paradox.' (RENFORD BAMBROUGH in The ...
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1958Uitgever: Pantheon Books