Pindar's Seventh Olympian Ode. A Commentary. - VERDENIUS, W.J.,


Verdenius 'says (...) that the 'hyper-interpretation' of the new critics needs to be pruned away, and the best way to do it is by a detailed commentary on one particular poem. The 'Seventh Olympian' is suitable (...). Verdenius's commentary is almost wholly exegetic. He is concerned to explain the meaning of the Greek, and of course to point out the occasions when other scholars have misunderstood it. The objects of his disagreement include recent translators of Pindar (lattimore, Ruck and Matheson, Bowra) as well as Young and Smith. (...) He quotes widely from all sorts of sources, and this brief commentary on one ode is a fine exeample of Dutch scholarship. Verdenius is impressively sure of his opinions, and most of the time clearly right, so that the reading of his notes is simultaneously interesting and instructive.' (M.M. WILLCOCK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1975, pp.5-6).
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1972Uitgever: NHUM