From Plants to Products -  P. van Mourik; G. van der Veen

van Iterson Jr and useful plants in the Botanical Garden of Delft University of Technology


From Plants to Products
Van Iterson Jr and useful plants in the Botanical Garden of Delft
University of Technology

Plants in botanical gardens refl ect the vastness and diversity of the
plant kingdom. The Botanical Garden of Delft University of Technology
explores the plant kingdom in order to contribute to a sustainable use of
vegetable materials and products. The basis for this mission was laid by
the founder of TU Delft Botanical Garden who, in 1907 in Delft, was
awarded his doctorate with distinction and was appointed to a chair at the
age of 29: Dr G. van Iterson Jr. During his long professorship (1907-1948)
he examined the relationships between plants and their uses in numerous
ways. Now at the beginning of the 21st century his approach is proving to
be just as relevant, as is shown by the DVD film 'Growing solutions'
recently produced by TU Delft Botanical Garden. To mark the anniversary of
Van Iterson Jr's appointment to his chair in 1907, it was decided in 2007
to publish a book on plants and their uses.
'From Plant...
2008 Taal: Engels zie alle details...


2008 Uitgever: VSSD 152 paginas Taal: Engels Grootte:  224x144x15 ISBN-10: 9065621776 ISBN-13: 9789065621771