ORACLES CHALDAÏQUES. Avec un choix de commentaires anciens. Texte établi et traduit par E. Des Places. - 


'W. Kroll's compilation of the Oracles goes back to 1894, and although Des Places has added but few items to the corpus, he has availed himself of the improved textual understanding of the sources which has become possible in the interim. He also provides illustrative material in an Appendix from the 'Excerpta Chaldaica' of proclus, the Seventeenth Letter of Michael Italicus (....) and various writings of the Byzantine polymath Michael Psellus. Des Places had sedulously considered the demands of the student. (...) Above his textual apparatus he prints 'testimonia' and the commentary at the foot of the translation is allowed to spill over into numerous pages located after the texts themselves. There is a full Index Verborum. (...) The introduction offers a concise account of the history and survival of the Oracles, and there follows an all too brief exposition of their doctrine. (...) Des Places offers more detail in his excellent discussion of the influence of the Oracles, where he deals with Porphyry, Iambli...
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1971Uitgever: Les Belles Lettres