Mon seul désir - Vanderlinden Carole; Theys Hans

mon seul désir : dessins de Paris = Parijse tekeningen = drawings from Paris


The best introduction to Carole Vanderlinden's work is explaining how it was created. It's probably easier to read her work if you know how it came to life. Many artists take inspiration from existing works of art they've generally come into contact with when growing up, often in books or magazines, sometimes in museums and galleries. Carole Vanderlinden loves to read and to leaf through books, but her main interest is visiting museums of ancient or ethnographic art. In general, she looks for any event, drawing, object, pattern, colour and rhythm that speaks to her. Joining her on two of these trips of discovery, once in Brussels and once in Paris, she can be fascinated by the most diverse objects, such as a zigzag Navajo carpet, Egyptian alabaster Canopic jars dating back to 1500 BC, 18th-century glazed biscuit from Tournai or a herbarium. These objects and their colours and rhythms are copied in notebooks, often with an accompanying text. Later she might re-paint them on paper creating new combinations or c...
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