Model Release - Richard Kern
Model Release
The spectacle of Richard Kern's legendary filmmaking and photography incites many reactions, but rarely is indifference among them. His imagery's characteristic blitzkrieg of subversive eroticism, porno kitsch, punk sensibility and aggressive femininity, have won admirers of the so-called grunge aesthetic.
Contrary to its coarseness, the work never cheapens itself to titillate, but rather concocts a powerful mix of adrenaline and intrigue. This book has images of Kern's most recent work, which stands at the intersection of fashion, sex, and politics. The critical text by Paparoni explores the relationship between some of Kern's subjects and famous images from pre-war art history.
Contrary to its coarseness, the work never cheapens itself to titillate, but rather concocts a powerful mix of adrenaline and intrigue. This book has images of Kern's most recent work, which stands at the intersection of fashion, sex, and politics. The critical text by Paparoni explores the relationship between some of Kern's subjects and famous images from pre-war art history.
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Taschen: 2000. Hardbound, ills. cover, 1187pp. 20x27x2cm. Zeer goede staat [Categorie: Erotica] [Auteur: Kern, Richard.] [Jaar: 2000] [Titel: Model Release.]
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