Lateinische epistemische Partikeln 'nempe', 'quippe', 'scilicet', 'videlicet' und 'nimirum'. - SCHRICKX, Josine,


'To sum up, Schrickx?s book deserves appreciation from several points of view. Firstly, she demonstrates that Kroon?s distinction of discourse levels makes it possible to explain differences between seemingly synonymous particles. Secondly, the discussion of individual particles is comprehensive: it is not limited to pragmatics aspects, but takes into consideration also syntax, semantics, etymology, and stylistics. Thirdly, the analyses of material are made with a high philological acribia and linguistic competence. It is a valuable contribution to the research on Latin modal particles.' (OLGA SPEVAK on the revised trade edition of this dissertation in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.06.13).
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