La signification des images et des métaphores dans la pensée de Plotin. - FERWERDA, Rein.,


'This doctoral thesis makes a modest but useful contribution to our understanding of Plotinus. Dr. Ferwerda has set out to collect and classify all the images and metaphors used in the 'Enneads' and to discuss both Plotinus' use of metaphor in general and the way in which he employs particular images. His collection seems reasonably complete; certainly no important passage in which metaphorical language is used has been left out. The classification is, as he admits in his Introduction, a difficult business, and no arrangement can ever be wholly satisfactory. (...) But is is difficult to see how any other method of classification could have worked better. Throughout his discussions Dr. Ferwerda shows himself well read in the relevant scholarly literature (...), not only where Plotinus is concerned, but as far back as the Pres-Socratics. (...0 He is not afraid to disagree with the authorities when his understanding of the texts requires it, and he seems frequently right when he does so (...). The discussions of...
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1965Uitgever: Wolters