L'unanimité Cistercienne primitive: mythe ou réalité? - AUBERGER, J.-B.,


?Auberger (?) denies that unanimity existed in the early order and content that a single line of development for either Cistercian narratives or practice would have been very unlikely. He hypothesises that there would have been several lines of development in the order?s thinking and practice; this leads him to focus on differences he finds. Thus he approaches the problem afresh, in a humble style and in a beautifully produced volume which places as much as possible of the evidence before the reader. On so doing, he arrives at new and sometimes provocative, although very sensible, conclusions about the early Cistercians. (?) He demonstrates that early Cistercian thinking and practice can be separated into two separate threads, each spun out independently until entangled in mid-century. One strand, inspired by the Benedictine tradition, he calls the ?official? version of events, while the other he calls ?officious?. (?) The more officious version (?) invoked a higher motive (?) in the pursuit of both personal ...
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1986Uitgever: Administration de Cìteaux