Juvenalis declamans. Étude sur la rhétorique declamatoire dans les Satires de Juvénal. - DE DECKER, J.,
?This admirably written book is an important contribution to the study of Juvenal and incidentally of Roman rhetoric. M. De Decker starts by accepting the statement of the ancient biography that Juvenal practised declamation till middle life; after which he turned to writing satire. He then proceeds to demonstrate at length the influence of Juvenal?s rhetorical studies on his work as a poet. The practice of rhetoric to which Juvenal devoted himself consisted in the public delivery of declamations; the listening to such declamation, no less than to the recitations of poets, formed one of the chief intellectual relaxations of the educated Roman public under the Empire. The elder Seneca has collected many specimens from such declamations delivered by distinguished rhetoricians; these and the smaller and larger declamations ascribed to Quintilian, as well as Quintilian?s own ?Institutio oratoria? constitute the chief sources of our knowledge of imperial rhetoric. M. De Decker has examined analytically the materia...
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Gand, 1913. 206p. Sewn. Unopened, Series: Universit1e de Gand, Recueil de travaux publiés par la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, 41me Fascicule. [Antiquarian] [Auteur: DE DECKER, J.,] [Uitgever: Van Goethem] [Jaar: 1913] [Titel: Juvenalis declamans. Étude sur la rhétorique declamatoire dans les Satires de Juvénal.]