Ioniko Lektiko ston Platona. Meros A'. Syntaxi. Meros B'. Phonitiki. - SAKALIS, D.Th.,


'Both ancient and modern critics have been fully aware of the many deviations from Attic usage to be found in Plato. the usual assumption has been that Plato made use of such departures from normal Attic, often in imitation of epic or tragic style, in order to lend wherever appropriate a poetic coloration to his dialogues. On the contrary Sakalis is convinced that while Plato often writes as a poet, he frequently drew upon Ionic sources, including Herodotus, the early philosophers, and the Hippocratic corpus, and this for other than poetic effect, sometimes because these words and phrases had entered current speech.' (GORDON MESSING in The Classical World, 1979, p.53). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
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1978Uitgever: Panepistimio Ioanninon