Inside This Moment -  Kirk D. Strosahl, Patricia J. Robinson, Thomas Gustavsson


In this breakthrough book, cofounder of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), Kirk Strosahl and two fellow ACT psychologists offer a brief, five-stage model to help you recognize, assess, and take advantage of the subtle shifts of awareness that occur during therapy to achieve the most effective intervention and successful treatment outcomes. In therapy, it is essential for both clinicians and their clients to pay attention to each moment in-session as an opportunity to create change. In addition, clients must be willing to experience pain in the present moment in order to make lasting change and begin to live according to their values. Butstayingin the moment is harder than it sounds.Inside This Momentoffers a powerful skill set for learning to live in the now—even when it hurts. To help you and your client make the most of your time in treatment sessions, this book includes clinical examples of working with clients via self-related processes, and offers tips for what to do when faced with certain non-ver...
2015 Taal: [UN] zie alle details...



2015 240 paginas Taal: [UN]