In L. Calpurnium Pisonem Oratio. Edited with Text, Introduction and Commentary by R.G.M. Nisbet. - Cicero


'Nisbet's choice of the neglected In Pisonem was a happy one. The speech - 'a masterpiece of misrepresentation,' as the editor aptly describes it - is a lively and characteristic example of Cicero's mature oratorical style; it is full of historical interest, and the condition of the text still offers scope to a judicious editor. If Nisbet's treatment of textual matters deserves the highest praise, scarcely less admirable is the lucid conciseness of his explanatory notes, which, especially on historical topics, are often models of their kind. (...) Perhaps the greatest virtue of this edition is that it keeps the reader constantly aware of those stylistic features which are of the essence of Cicero's writing.' (E.H. LAUGHTON in Journal of Roman Studies, 1962, pp.279-80).
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1961Uitgever: Clarendon Press