In honorem sanctae crucis - Rabanus Maurus; M. Perrin


Rabanus Maurus (780-856), a monk and then abbot of Fulda, ended his career as archbishop of Mainz. Perhaps the most famous of his numerous works, the In honorem sanctae crucis (dated 810), better known traditionally since the Renaissance as De laudibus sanctae crucis, consists of a remarkable series of 28 carmina figurata glorifying the holy cross. Rabanus thus followed the Constantinian poet Porphyrius Optatianus, and also, but more discretely, some poems composed on this theme by Venantius Fortunatus. But from the outset he went further than his predecessors. Indeed, he did not compose a few isolated poems but a unified cycle. And the degree of complexity achieved by Rabanus in the tangle of versus intexti, of drawings, of each poem taken as a whole constitutes a kind of record for the genre that the Middle Ages did not surpass. The proposed edition follows the editio princeps of Jacques Wimpfeling (Pforzheim, 1503), the other editions (1605, 1627, and finally the Patrologia Latina) having been printed with...
1997Taal: Latijnzie alle details...


1997Uitgever: Brepols Publishers472 paginasTaal: LatijnISBN-10: 2503040012ISBN-13: 9782503040011