Im Garten der Rhetorik. Die Kunst der Rede in der Antike. Original title: I Retorikkens Hage, 1985. -  ANDERSEN, Ø.,


?In the ?Einführung: An der Gartenpforte? Andersen first explains the title of his book. (?) Of more interest is his discussion of possible ways of representing the garden of rhetoric: in a historical way (G.A. Kennedy (?); systematically (R. Volkmann (?.), J. Martin (?); through its terminology (J.C.Th. Ernesti); and, finally, the fourth possibility of treating rhetoric in arrangement by topics and problems (?nach thematischen, problemorientierten Aspekten?). (?) A. has opted for the fourth line of approach, (?) and it appears that ?Im Garten der Rhetorik? is relatively novel in its set-up, even compared to modern introductions. (?) The organisation of the book after the introductory chapter is as follows: in eight chapters A. treats Rhetorical Communication, Language and Style, Orality, Rhetorical Argumentation, Rhetoric and Philosophy as Subject of Education, Ethical Problems and Perspectives, Rhetoric, Pedagogy and Culture, Rhetoric and Society, and at the end he has a ?Schlussbetrachtung beim Verlassen d...
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2001 Uitgever: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft