I anastelosis tis stoas tis Brauronos. Ta architektonika tis problemata. (Greek text - with French summary). - CHARALAMBOS BOURA,


Together with: 1. J. MARTENS: Brauron en de eredienst van Artemis Brauronia. Graduate paper (not published), 122,(18)p. ills. Wire stitched. / 2. Hermeneus 32, (1961), 6. A.o.: A.V.M. HUBRECHT: Opgravingen in Brauron en de cultus van Artemis-Iphigeneia)./ 3. STENTOR, Orgaan van de Stichting Genootschap Hellas, no.41 and 42. A.o: Iphigeneia's graf in Attika I en II. / 4. Diverse photocopies on Brauron.
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1967Uitgever: Athina