He's just not that into you - Greg Behrendt en Liz Tuccillo

multi-million-copy relationship bestseller


The concept behind this book is simple but speaks universal truth about the excuses men come up with to fob off women

Has Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo’s book He’s Just Not That Into You caught your attention? Pick up the main ideas with this quick summary.
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He is just a little shy.” “It’s not his fault he’s a reserved guy.” “He’s just very busy right now.” Have you ever realized you are defending a man who isn’t giving you the attention or love you need? The truth that might seem a little harsh, but here it is: he’s just not that into you! By reading this book summary you will discover more about mixed messages and how they don’t exist in the dating world. You are better off detaching yourself from guys who cannot fully commit to a relationship. You’ll come to learn the warning signs that show if someone you’re dating is not really interested. In this book summary of He’s Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, you’ll learn:
which word can cause mass destruction in a relatio...
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