Glass Etching II- Carving Techniques and Designs - Debra F. Oxley; Norman Dobbins

CKE Publications, Olympia Washington [Published Date: 1993]. Paper covers, 72 pp. [From The Authors pg 4] The first book in our series of sandblast glass etching instructional books. Glass Etching Surface Techniques and Designs, was well received and has gone into multiple printings. Surface etching is the simplest of the three major sandblast etching techniques to learn and the easiest to do. This book will cover the more complex, interesting and challenging technique of multi-stage carving. With this technique, you are not limited to simple representations of black and white designs as you are with surface etching. You are actually sculpting the glass by blasting and carving deep into it to create dimension and depth in the designs. Using this technique, it is possible to produce much more realistic and beautiful pieces - pieces you may find reminiscent of Steuben or Lalique glass carvings. Glass etchers of all levels of experience will find this book valuable. Not only have we covered all of the basics, we...