Gilgamesh - Bernarda Bryson

Man's first story


In her version for readers of all ages of the oldest legend known to man, the distuingished author and illustrator, Bernarda Bryson, has created her own richly moving interpretations of the mighty deeds of Gilgamesh, the great king-hero, part god and part man.
First written down in Sumerian cuneiform 3000 years before the birth of Christ, the story of Gilgamesh tells of a great flood and of one man, befriended by the gods, who survived by building an ark. In the feats of Gilgamesh and his companion, Enkidu, a monster who turns into a gentle man who loves and respects the King, are found the sources of the great mythological heroes, Hercules, Jason and Theseus.
In addition to its vital importance in the history of literature , 'Gilgamesh' is an exciting and often amusing tale-setting jealous god against jealous god, god against man, and man against man in remarkable battles of wit and strenght. With sensitivity and simple beauty, Miss Bryson has set down a stirring epic which will impart to readers her own lifet...
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"Illustrated version of the Gilgamesh for readers of all ages by Bernarda Bryson."