From Croesus to Constantine. The Cities of Western Asia Minor and Their Arts in Greek and Roman Times. -  HANFMANN, G.M.A.,


?Professor Hanfmann?s Jerome Lectures (Tenth Series) are an admirable pendant to Axel Boethius? earlier series entitles ?The Golden House of Nero?. Both are exemplary in their breadth of knowledge and freshness of vision; their yield is manifold, always enlightening, and frequently provocative. Hanfmann?s expertise as archaeologist and art historian lends authority and stature to the volume; his personal warmth and generosity of mind are omnipresent; scholars exchanges between the master and the student collaborator are repeatedly evident. Hanfmann?s concern is with the cultural mosaic of western coastal Turkey, a rich amalgam of native Anatolian, Greek, Persian and Roman traditions. (?) Hanfmann offers a deliberately personal, rarely polemical view of a creative synthesis of intellectual and social forces, a panoramic view of the crucial zones of creative contact between Mediterranean cultures and the Near East. (A.G. McKAY in The Classical Journal, 1976, p.362). From the library of Professor Carl Deroux.
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1975 Uitgever: The University of Michigan Press