Eudemische Ethik. Übersetzt und kommentiert von Fr. Dirlmeier. -  Aristoteles


?The Eudemian Ethics of Aristotle evidently presents a far more formidable problem to the translator and commentator than the Nicomachean Ethics. The text is in some places, though not everywhere, badly preserved. The style is often elliptical and difficult, and though the work has been much talked about by scholars during the last sixty years, it has not perhaps been very closely studied. Dirlmeier?s edition marks a great step forward in the sense that he again and again arrives at a sound view of particular passages, dissolves apparent difficulties, tabulates the points of agreement and contrast between Aristotle?s two versions, enlightens us about the terminology and the Academic background of some dispute, and so forth. At the same time the present reviewer must record his opinion that the merits and services of the work are counterbalanced (?) by strange errors of judgement about fundamentals.?(DONALD J. ALLAN in Gnomon, 1966, pp.138-39).
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1984 Uitgever: Akademie-Verlag