Elegiarum. Liber Secundus. Cum prolegomenis, conspectu librorum et commentationum ad IV libros Propertii pertinentium ab anno 1940 usque ad annum 1960, notis criticis, commentario exegetico sumptis suppeditante Instituto Nederlandico Scientiae Purae edidit P.J. Enk. Pars Prior prolegomena et textum continens. Pars Altera commentarium continens. - Propertius


'Students of Propertius owe much to the late Professor Enk, and this, his last work, is an impressive monument to his learning and acumen. (...) the Prolegomena include two items which will be found particularly helpful: a twenty-page review of correspondences between passages in Propertius and in certain earlier or contemporary poets (Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Tibullus); and a twenty-page bibliography of Propertian literature covering the years 1940-60 (...). Enk's notes are not only informative, but highly readable and often amusing. It is a pleasant and generous book as well as a rich one, and it will have a long and useful life.' (W.A. CAMPS in The Classical Review (New Series), 1964, pp.276-280).
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1962Uitgever: Sijthoff