Divi Claudii Apocolocyntosis. Introduzione, testo critico e commento C.F. Russo. - Seneca


'Russo's text of the 'Apocolocyntosis', which first appeared in 1948 (...), has now reached a well-deserved fourth edition. Such minor changes have been made in introduction and commentary as the stereotype plates allowed; and an appendix of sixteen pages contains additional matter which could not be so incorporated. (...) Good use is made of Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr in illustrating points of language. And not much of importance has been missed in the literature subsequent to 1948.' (ROBERT BROWNING in The Classical Review (New Series), 1966, p.119). From the library of the late Dr. Dirk Panhuis.
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1967Uitgever: La Nuova Italia