Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy - Robert Alan Dahl
Autonomy vs. Control (Yale Studies in Political Science)

Continuing his career-long exploration of modern democracy, Dahl addresses a question that has long vexed students of political theory: the place of independent organizations, associations, or special interest groups within the democratic state. -The Wilson Quarterly There is probably no greater expert today on the subject of democratic theory than Dahl....His proposal for an ultimate adoption here of a 'decentralized socialist economy,' a system primarily of worker ownership and control of economic production, is daring but rational, reflecting his view that economic inequality seems destined to become the major issue here it historically has been in Europe. -Library Journal Dahl reaffirms his commitment to pluralist democracy while attempting to come to terms with some of its defects. -Laura Greyson, Worldview Anyone who is interested in these issues and who makes the effort the book requires will come away the better for it. And more. He will receive an explanation for our current difficulties that d...
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