Die Prodigien in Vergils Aeneis. - GRASSMANN-FISCHER, B.,

'The bulk of this book consists of a detailed discussion of all 'prodigia' in Vergil's 'Aeneid'. There is a very short introduction and a conclusion of some 14 pages in which the 'Wesenszüge der Vergilischen Prodigien' are analysed. Though her argument is usually sound, sometimes Mrs. Grassmann gets carried away by her enthusiastic efforts to find connecting links between passages in the 'Aeneid' sperated by considerable intervals. (...) Occasionally the argument is bitiated by too narrow a literary approach.' (F.T. van Straten in Mnemosyne, 1970, p.93-94).
1966 zie alle details...
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Stel vraag Boek
München, 1966. 128p. Original off-white cloth. [Antiquarian] [Auteur: GRASSMANN-FISCHER, B.,] [Uitgever: Wilhelm Fink] [Jaar: 1966] [Titel: Die Prodigien in Vergils Aeneis.]