Die homerische Frage. Ein Bericht über die Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte. - HEUBECK, A.,


?In ?Die Homerische Frage? Professor Heubeck summarizes the ?Fachberichte? (which appears in the periodical Gymnasium between 1951 and 1971 - ND), bringing together his various comments under particular headings. He covers a period from the 1930s (and even earlier) to 1969, plus a few items from 1970. This will be obligatory reading for students of Homer. (?) He writes with great understanding and totlerance; although he himself has definite views on the major aspects of the Homeric question (?.), he is never disparaging or polemical (?). There is a huge bibliography on pp.243-304 of all the works which he has taken into account. (?) As a whole, the book is a delight, the author?s sentiments and coverage alike being excellent.(?) This is a most welcome volume, likely to be of greatest use to Homeric researchers for a long time to come.? (M.M. WILLCOCK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1977, pp.1-2).
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