Die Germania. Erläutert von R. Much. Dritte, beträchtlich erweiterte Auflage, unter Mitarbeit von H. Jankuhn herausgegeben von W. Lange. -  Tacitus


'Much envisages his edition as supplementing, not replacing, other editions, and the same holds good for the present edition. Within the areas of Germanic philology, antiquities, and arcaeology it is the commentary to which scholars will first turn. If it pays less attention to textual, literary and historical matters, that is the result of deliberate decision on the editor's part. But it also reflects how small has been the contribution made to the understanding of the 'Germania' by Latinists during the last thirty years. The solid underpinning of archaeological information that the revised Much commentary offers should encourage Latin scholars to look anew at the text of this 'aureus libellus'.' (R.H. MARTIN in the Classical Review (New Series), 1969, p.181).
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1967 Uitgever: Carl Winter