Die Adonis-Gärten. Gewürze und Düfte in der griechischen Mythologie. - DETIENNE, M.,


Übersetzt von G. und W. Eder nach der 2., um ein Nachwort des Autors erweiterten Auflage unter dem Titel 'Les Jardins d'Adonis, la mythologie des aromates en Grèce' erschienen Originalausgabe, mit einem neuen Vorwort versehen von A. Wittenburg. 'It is comparatively easy to see what Detienne is trying to prove. His thesis is that the Adonis myth and ritual have nothing to do with fertility. On the contrary, their 'message' is one of seduction doomed to sterility, and Detienne handles his evidence with eloquence, erudition, and ingenuity. (...) Any attempt to summarize Detienne's procedure must be inadequate and also unworthy of the richness of the book. (...) The scheme which Detienne constructs as an explanation of Pythagorean dietary and sacrificial taboos is astonishingly neat and ingenious, even though purists may criticize his handling of the evidence.' (D.E. EICHHOLZ on the French 1st ed. in The Classical Review, 1974, p.233-35).
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