Die Adjektiva bei Menander. - KLAUS, K.,


?This work is an alphabetical list of the adjectives found in Menander?s plays and fragments. Under each adjective is given a list of the other authors in whom it is found, without references, then the Menander references with indications of the meaning. (?) Footnotes give references to dissertations, articles, grammars, lexica, etc, in which the words have been discussed. The list of the works thus refereed to fills pp.ix-xiv, and will no doubt be useful to many others besides those whose immediate interest if the vocabulary of Menander. The whole dissertation is a model of methodical compilation and arrangement, and if no very new conclusions emerge, that is no doubt because it is intended that the reader should draw these for himself.? (R. McKENZIE in The Classical Review, 1937, p.38).
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1936Uitgever: Otto Harrassowitz