De Nuptiis Phylologiae et Mercurii libri VIII. Franciscus Eyssenhardt recensuit. Accedunt scholia in Caesaris Germanici Aratea. - MARTIANUS CAPELLA,

'Martianus Minneus Felix Capella composed in Vandalic Carthage, probably in the last quarter of the 5th cent. AD, a prosimetrical Latin encyclopaedia of the seven Liberal Arts (grammar, dialectic, rhetoric - the medieval 'trivium'- and the 'quadrivius', geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, music). He subsequently composed a short metrical treatise. Both works were addressed to his son. The ecncyclopaedia, usually known as the 'De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii' (...) composes a two-book introductory myth describing the ascent to heaven, apotheosis, and marriage of Philology to Mercury, as well as a seven-book introduction to the Liberal Arts, in which each subject is presented by an elaborately described female personification. The encyclopaedic books are pedestrian compilations, mostly from Latin sources. (...) The myth is fantastic, imaginative, and curiously learned: while strongly influenced by Neoplatonic sources and doctrines on the ascent of the soul (...), it owes to the parodistic tradition of Menippean...
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Leipzig, 1886. LXVII,490p. Half cloth. Spine loosening. Mart.Cap. hand written on vignette glued to tail spine. Corners bit bumped. Edges cover scratched. Name and date on free endpaper. Name stamp on inside free endpaper. Pages yellowed. Series: Bibliotheca Teubneriana. (Rare thus). [Antiquarian] [Auteur: MARTIANUS CAPELLA,] [Uitgever: Teubner] [Jaar: 1886] [Titel: De Nuptiis Phylologiae et Mercurii libri VIII. Franciscus Eyssenhardt recensuit. Accedunt scholia in Caesaris Germanici Aratea.]