De natura deorum libri III. Liber primus. Libri secundus et tertius. Edited by A.S. Pease. - CICERO, M.T.,


'This is a work to which scholars can turn in the knowledge that all the material is there. It is more than an edition of one of Cicero's works; it is a kind of encyclopaedia of ancient religion and theology, with articles on many other subjects too, including cats and crocodiles, apes and winged serpents. (...) In the second volume we find the same cautious conservatism on disputed points as in the first. Pease is generally reluctant to adopt emendation, and in many cases he is perhaps right, for De Natura Deorum was hastily written and Cicero may well have overlooked certain careless and inelegant expressions.' (M.L. CLARKE in The Classical Review (New Series), 1957, p.223, and 1960, p.130).
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