Das einfache Leben. Wort- und motivgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu einem Wertbegriff der antiken Literatur. - VISCHER, R.,


'Vischer does not attempt any sociological or other explanation of the wide-spread belief in the virtues of the simple life. He warns against lumping together bucolic poetry, philosophical moralizing, and the idealization of primitive peoples and regarding them all as the result of a reaction agains the over-developed civilization of the large cities. He would apparently accept this explanation for Theocritean bucolic. Otherwise he does not try to explain; he is content to collect, classify, and analyse the relevant material. The material is in itself interesting, and he has handled it carefully, and, at least so far as the Greek writers are concerned. thoroughly. (M.L. CLARKE in The Classical Review (New Series), 1966, p.372). From the library of the late Professor Doktor Nikolaus Himmelmann.
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1965Uitgever: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht