Daggers of the Mind - Gordon Warme

Psychiatry and the Myth of Mental Disease


Daggers of the Mind: Psychiatry and the Myth of Mental Disease
by Dr. Gordon Warme

Stating unequivocally that there is no such thing as mental disease is a pretty ballsy thing for a psychiatrist to do. When said psychiatrist is also a prominent professor at the University of Toronto’s medical school and a practicing clinician at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, such a statement could be professional suicide. But Dr. Gordon Warme, the doctor in question, has been espousing this opinion for years, and has published three books to back his assertion up. His latest delves into the “myth” of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and even multiple chemical sensitivities, and examines how his colleagues in the field of psychiatry are failing those who claim to suffer from the disorders by telling them they have a disease (or are “lesser,” as Warme puts it) and giving them permission to give up.

Warme believes that because science has yet to discover a biological basis for mental illnes...
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