Conflits fonciers au Congo belge. Opinions congolaises. - VINCK Honoré (Edit.)


Broché, in-8, 486 pp., illustrations

Doctor in theology, former director of the "Centre Æquatoria - Centre de recherches culturelles africanistes" (Bamanya), Mbandaka (DR Congo). Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.
Colonial history, history of education in Belgian Congo

Honoré Vinck (Baasrode / Dendermonde 1941) lived and worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1972 and 1999 as a Catholic missionary and as director of the Æquatoria Research Center and founder and editor in chief of the Annales Aequatoria (1980-1999)in Mbandaka (RDC). He stayed as a fellow of The Institute for Advanced Study and Research in the African Humanities at the Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) (1994-1995) He was a member of the Centrum voor Historische Pedagogiek at the KU Leuven (2006-2018).

His research and publications focus on African colonial schoolbooks, the history of school education in the former Belgian Congo and Land Tenure in Colonial Congo.
2011Taal: Franszie alle details...



2011Uitgever: Koninklijke academie voor overzeese wetenschappen/ARSOM486 paginasTaal: Frans