Conflits fonciers au Congo belge. Opinions congolaises. - VINCK Honoré (Edit.)
Broché, in-8, 486 pp., illustrations
Doctor in theology, former director of the "Centre Æquatoria - Centre de recherches culturelles africanistes" (Bamanya), Mbandaka (DR Congo). Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.
Colonial history, history of education in Belgian Congo
Honoré Vinck (Baasrode / Dendermonde 1941) lived and worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1972 and 1999 as a Catholic missionary and as director of the Æquatoria Research Center and founder and editor in chief of the Annales Aequatoria (1980-1999)in Mbandaka (RDC). He stayed as a fellow of The Institute for Advanced Study and Research in the African Humanities at the Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) (1994-1995) He was a member of the Centrum voor Historische Pedagogiek at the KU Leuven (2006-2018).
His research and publications focus on African colonial schoolbooks, the history of school education in the former Belgian Congo and Land Tenure in Colonial Congo.
Doctor in theology, former director of the "Centre Æquatoria - Centre de recherches culturelles africanistes" (Bamanya), Mbandaka (DR Congo). Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.
Colonial history, history of education in Belgian Congo
Honoré Vinck (Baasrode / Dendermonde 1941) lived and worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1972 and 1999 as a Catholic missionary and as director of the Æquatoria Research Center and founder and editor in chief of the Annales Aequatoria (1980-1999)in Mbandaka (RDC). He stayed as a fellow of The Institute for Advanced Study and Research in the African Humanities at the Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) (1994-1995) He was a member of the Centrum voor Historische Pedagogiek at the KU Leuven (2006-2018).
His research and publications focus on African colonial schoolbooks, the history of school education in the former Belgian Congo and Land Tenure in Colonial Congo.
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VINCK Honoré (Edit.)
Conflits fonciers au Congo belge. Opinions congolaises.
Broché, in-8, 486 pp., illustrations
Doctor in theology, former director of the "Centre Æquatoria - Centre de recherches culturelles africanistes" (Bamanya), Mbandaka (DR Congo). Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.
Colonial history, history of education in Belgian Congo
Honoré Vinck (Baasrode / Dendermonde 1941) lived and worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1972 and 1999 as a Catholic missionary and as d...
Conflits fonciers au Congo belge. Opinions congolaises.
Broché, in-8, 486 pp., illustrations
Doctor in theology, former director of the "Centre Æquatoria - Centre de recherches culturelles africanistes" (Bamanya), Mbandaka (DR Congo). Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.
Colonial history, history of education in Belgian Congo
Honoré Vinck (Baasrode / Dendermonde 1941) lived and worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1972 and 1999 as a Catholic missionary and as d...