Commentariolum petitionis. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von G. Laser. - CICERO, Quintus Tullius,


'This edition, translation and commentary of the 'Commentariolum petitionis' attributed to Quintus Cicero poses a problem for a reviewer in an English-language journal. To judge from its conscious sacrifice of philological minutiae (p.1), its minimal indulgence in prosopographical or institutional detail (for which the reader is often referred to 'Der neue' or even 'Der kleine Pauly', and the space devoted to exposition of problems of interpretation, this book is evidently directed chiefly not at the scholar but at intermediate students. Consequently, however well this book meets its primary pedagogical purpose, its value is necessarily somewhat limited for scholars - who alone in the anglophone countries will have the inclination and the linguistic competence to read it. This is not to depreciate the quality and interest of the ideas that appear herein. Major themes include the claims that clients were free agents who could not simply be commanded to further an electoral campaign; that the Republic was a fic...
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