Classical Influences on English Poetry. - THOMSON, J.A.K.,


'Classical Influences on English Poetry' proceeds by literary types from epos to epigram, including under each a sensitive characterization of the chief ancient examples and comparative remarks on specimens of the type in English. The aim is not accumulate material evidence of classical influence, but to bring our essential qualities of form and style that the English poets have absorbed or failed to absorb from the Classics. (?) The book seems to be primarily addresses to students of English literature whose knowledge of the classical languages is inadequate; and the author has found the means of conveying to them some sense of the finer points of style as well as a view of the broader aspects of form. No general conclusions are sought; but the general attitude is positive, placing emphasis on the more successful instances of assimilation, an thus inevitably on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.' (JAMES HUTTON in Gnomon, 1953, p.430).
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1962Uitgever: Allen & Unwin