Aristoteles. Die Mitte in seinem Denken. - MEULEN, J. van der,

?It is (?) a careful and often stimulating study of some central parts of Aristotle?s philosophy. The treatment is systematic and does not concern itself with questions of chronology and development. Consideration of the concept of ?to meson? naturally leads the author into most of the main departments of Aristotle?s philosophy, and involves him in discussion of many cardinal doctrines and concepts. But in his transitions from chapter to chapter and section to section he seeks to keep clear the singleness of the path he is treading. He defines his purpose as follows: ? zu zeigen dass die aristotelische Philosophie in der denkenden Betrachtung der Mitte als ? meson? und ?mesotes? zugleich ihr eigenes tiefstes Wesen offenbart und auch auf höchster Stufe verwirklicht.? (J.L. ACKRILL in Gnomon, 1954, p.203).
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Meisenheim am Glan, 1968. 2nd rev.ed. XVII,293p. Original green cloth. Spine gilt titled. [Antiquarian] [Auteur: MEULEN, J. van der,] [Uitgever: Anton Hain] [Jaar: 1968] [Titel: Aristoteles. Die Mitte in seinem Denken.]