Alexander the Great. The main problems. -  GRIFFITH, G.T., (ed.),


Photomechanical reprint of sixteen papers, with an introduction and a bibliographical note written for this volume. A.o: L. PEARSON: The Diary and Letters of Alexander the Great (pp.1-29); C.A. ROBINSON: The extraordinary ideas of Alexander the Great (pp.53-73); H. BERVE: Die Verschmelzungspolitik Alexandeers des Grossen (pp.103-137); W. TARN: Alexander's Deification (pp.151-179); E. BADIAN: Harpalus (pp.205-235); F. SCHACHERMEYR: Die letzten Pläne Alexanders des Grossen (pp.322-345); G. WALSER: Zur neueren Forschung über Alexander den Grossen (pp.345-389).
1966 zie alle details...



1966 Uitgever: Heffer