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- Approaches to Catullus. A.o.: J.P. ELDER: Notes on some conscious and unconscious elements in Catullus' poetry (pp.41-78); F.O. COPLEY: Emotional conflict and its significance in the Lesbia-poems of Catullus (pp.78-98); M.C.J. PUTNAM: Catullus' journey (pp.136-149); W. CLAUSEN: Callimachus and Latin Poetry (pp.269-287).QUINN, K, (ed.),€431972
- His Meditations, concerning Himselfe: Treating of a Naturall Mans happinesse; Wherein it consisteth, and of the meanes to attaine unto it. Translated out of the Originall Greek; with Notes by Meric Casaubon (...). And now Edited, with an Introduction, Appendix and Glossary, by W.H.D. Rouse.MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONIUS,€781900