676 boeken
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- História da Farmácia Portuguesa através da sua legislação. Coordenaçao cronológica de tôdas as Leis, Decretos, Regulamentos, Portarias, Alvarás e Avisos, relativos à profissão farmaceutica, publicados desde a mais remota antiguidade até ao presente [ = History of Portuguese Pharmacy through its legislation. Chronological coordination of all Laws, Decrees, Regulations, Ordinances, Permits and Notices, relating to the pharmaceutical profession, published from the earliest antiquity to the present] COMPLETTELLO DA FONSECA, MANUEL DAS DORES€961935
- MU5 [MU explores the boundaries of art through exhibitions in which visual art, architecture, design and pop culture converge. A representation of the most eye-catching and thought-provoking mU exhibitions between 1998 and 2003 plus interviews with Winy Maas, Geert Mul, Maurer United Architects, OurMachine, Jan van den Dobbelsteen, Purple, Mark Borthwick, Aaron Rose and Kim Gordon].SPANINKS, ANGELIQUES [TON VAN GOOL - FOREW.].€19,202003