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- IATG². Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete<br>Zeitschriften, Serien, Lexika, Quellenwerke mit bibliographischen Angaben. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auf;age - International glossary of abbreviations for theology and related subjects. Periodicals, series, encyclopaedias, sources with bibliographical notes - Index international des abréviations pour la théologie et domains apparentés - Glossario internazionale delle abbreviazioni per la teologia e matere affini - Índice iSchwertner, Siegfried M.€601992
- Glosario de voces Ibericas y Latinas usadas entre los Mozarabes precedido de un estudio sorre el dialecto Hispano-Mozarabe - Glossaire des mots Iberiques et Latins utilises parmi les Mozarabes precede d'une etude sur le dialecte Hispano-Mozarabe - Glossary of Iberian and Latin words used by the Mozarabs preceded by a study of the Hispano-Mozarab dialec.Simonet, Francisco Javier.€401975
- His Meditations, concerning Himselfe: Treating of a Naturall Mans happinesse; Wherein it consisteth, and of the meanes to attaine unto it. Translated out of the Originall Greek; with Notes by Meric Casaubon (...). And now Edited, with an Introduction, Appendix and Glossary, by W.H.D. Rouse.MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONIUS,€781900