The Greeks and the Irrational. - DODDS, E.R.,


?The concern of our age for the irrational element in man and the development by psychology of a ?novum organum? to deal with have made it inevitable that a classical scholar of our time should give us a systematic study of the irrational and the Greeks. (?) It is a systematic review of almost all the facts and opinions held on the subject, deepened and enlarged by a scholar of real vision and width of experience, and revealing carefully weighed judgement on the most controversial questions. (?) This book asks the right questions and seeks to answer them with imaginative integrity. (?) The analysis of nationalism in its relation to irrationalism is made not only with great precision and sane judgement, with accurate stratigraphy in the complex layers of Greek thought, but also with a fresh approach. (?) The arrangement of the text and the notes is dictated by the oral presentation of these lectures. (?) The reader will find the notes a post-graduate education in themselves, for they open suggestive trails in ...
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1966Uitgever: University of California Press