The Classical tradition. Greek and Roman influences on western literature. - HIGHET, G.,


'In my opinion 'The Classical Tradition' is a remarkable achievement. It is astonishingly well informed, it is irradiated by a fine intelligence, and it effectively written. The author calls it a sketch of the subject, which (the subject being so vast) is a fair description. But it has no existing rival and it will not be soon or easily superseded. (...) 'The Classical Tradition' has a sub-title: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature'. This more clearly defines its scope, which includes not only English (and American) but French, Italian, German, and even Spanish literature. A preponderant amount of space is devoted to English writers. This is natural in an English book; but it might be urged that it distorts the perspective, because classical, or at least Latin, influence on our literature, though very great, is not so great as it is on the literatures of France or Italy. Admitting that English literature may need a larger commentary just because its debt to Greece and Rome is less easy to make ou...
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1949Uitgever: CP