The Britannia Inn - The House of Whitbread

Universal and International Exhibition Brussels 1958. A description of the House with a Catalogue of the Collection


At a press conference in 1957, it was announced that 500 British ‘concerns’ were to take stands at the Expo, and that a highlight would be the Britannia Inn, to be built and run by Whitbread. They were, in the late 1950s, the single biggest exporter of British beer to Belgium, and were willing to stump up the £40,000 the project was expected to cost.
The Britannia was intended to demonstrate the ‘warmth and friendly atmosphere’ of the traditional pub, but also that the public house, and Britain more generally, was moving with the times. (
Inlegblad met Nederlandse, Franse en Duitse samenvatting
1958Taal: Engelszie alle details...



195817 paginasTaal: Engels