Systems of Land Tenure In Various Countries. A series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club - PROBYN J.W. (edited by -), DE LAVELEYE Emile, a.o.


Hardcover, small in-8, 418 pp.
3rd and revised edition of the 1870 publication.
Countries discussed:
• Ireland (by Longfield)
• England (by Wren Hoskyns)
• India (by Campbell)

• Belgium/Flanders and Holland (by Emile de Laveleye): 'Having been fertilised by ten centuries of laborious husbandry, the soil of Flanders does not yield a single crop without being manured, a fact unique in Europe.' (199) EDL also compares the situation of agriculture in Flanders and Ireland. In 25 paragraphs EDL states his clear views and recommandations on agriculture. Even today (2023) his views are important.

• Prussia (by Morier)
• France (by Cliffe Leslie)
• Russia (by Julius Faucher)
• USA (by Fisher)

And a contribution of George C. Brodrick, The Law and Custom of Primogeniture.

Émile Louis Victor de Laveleye (5 April 1822 – 3 January 1892) was a Belgian economist. He was one of the co-founders of the Institut de Droit International in 1873.
He had the art of popularizing even the most technical subjects, owing to the...
1876Taal: Engelszie alle details...



1876Uitgever: Cassell Petter & Galpin418 paginasTaal: Engels